Volcanic New Zealand standard

Volcanic New Zealand Documentary, 3×43 Executive Producer: James Heyward Producer: Spencer Stoner Directors: Mark Strickson Writers: Penny Ashcroft, Mark Strcikson, Spencer Stoner IMDB: https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt7589236 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/beneathnz New Zealand owes its existence to a fiery past. Volcanoes lifted islands out of the ocean. But the past isn’t dead. From a lava tube hidden under suburban sprawl to lost wonders of the world, alien lifeforms, and a city built above fifty two active volcanos, it's presenting a warning that history may soon repeat. Journeying into some of New Zealand’s most remote and stunning locales, Volcanic New Zealand: Creation and Destruction follows researchers and adventurers working at the bleeding edge of ...

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A War Story standard

https://vimeo.com/268734180 A War Story Documentary Producers: James Heyward / Chris Hampson Directors: John Laing Written by: Dean Parker Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewarstory In 1997 Osama bin Laden spoke to America through Pulitzer Prize winning CNN correspondent, Peter Arnett. America didn't listen ... Arnett interviewed bin Laden at his camp high in the Afghan mountains. Bin Laden outlined his vision of changing the Arab world, explaining his determination to expel American troops and rid Muslim lands of foreign cultural influences. On the eve of 9/11, Arnett flew into New York City to stay with his daughter. The next day he watched horrified as the towers collapsed; his mind recalling the interview and bin Laden's veiled ...

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Modern Dinosaurs standard

https://vimeo.com/141232305 Modern Dinosaurs Documentary, 6x43 Executive Producers : James Heyward / Kerstin Meyer-Beetz Producer : Polly Fryer Directors : Mark Strikson / Quinn Berentson Co-production Partners : Germany: gebrueder beetz filmproduktion / Brazil: Grifa Films Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moderndins Isolated from the world for 100 million years New Zealand became the ultimate storehouse for discontinued zoological ...

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Abandoned standard

https://vimeo.com/141963277 Abandoned Drama, 1×84 Director : John Laing Executive Producer : James Heyward Producer : Liz diFiore Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRoseNoelle Four men set sail on a grand adventure, to cross the Pacific on the yacht Rose Noelle. The yacht capsizes in a storm and fills with water trapping the sodden crew in a space the size of a double bed with only eighteen inches of head room. Personality conflicts threaten their survival but after a record breaking 119 days adrift in the wintery pacific the Rose Noelle washes ashore on New Zealand’s Great Barrier island. The crew have survived storms, fear, thirst and starvation. Their story makes headlines around the world but their survival is so miraculous they face open hostility and disbelief from the media ...

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The Ultimate Waterman standard

https://vimeo.com/128444794 The Ultimate Waterman Documentary, 1×43 Produced for Red Bull Media House www.theultimatewaterman.com Producer : Andy Salek Director : Hugh Barnard RBMH Executive Producers : Charlie Rosene / Scott Bradfield / Gus Roxburgh Editor : Piers Cloth Harding Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheUltimateWaterman For the first time ever, the world’s finest watermen came came together in New Zealand to compete in six different surfing disciplines over eight days. The invitation-only contest experienced extraordinary  conditions during a unique event which tested the eight elite competitors’ skill and endurance to the limit and ...

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Beneath New Zealand standard

https://vimeo.com/85809893 Beneath New Zealand Documentary, 3×43 Executive Producers : James Heyward / Michael Tear Writer : James Heyward Production Companies : Making Movies / Wildbear The world beneath our feet is in a constant and often violent state of flux. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sink holes and tsunamis are reminders of the ever changing planet we occupy. But while we understand the consequences, we know little about the causes and even less of the story they tell about how the world as we know it was formed and continues to ...

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Colours of China standard

https://vimeo.com/moviesnz/cocgssizzle169 Colours of China Documentary, 5×43 + 1×90 + 1x40 Executive Producers: James Heyward / Weina Kong / Christian Beetz Producers: Kirsteen Meyer-Beetz / James Directors:  Jan Hinrik Drevs & Mike Single Writers: Kirsteen Meyer-Beetz / Jan Hinrik Drevs / Marilyn McFadyen Production Companies: Making Movies / CICC (China Intercontinental Communication Centre) / gebrueder beetz filmproduktion Partners: ZDF/arte / New Zealand Film Commission / Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9441168 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chinacolours/ Five colours resonate through every layer of traditional and modern Chinese life representing emotional, physical, spiritual and directional forces. In the centre, is yellow, surrounded by blue for east, red for south, white for west and black for the north. Guided by these profoundly influential colours, the audience embarks on a visual and cultural journey ...

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New Zealand from Above standard

New Zealand from Above Documentary, 5×43 New Zealand is a nation famous for its natural beauty and rich variety of landscapes. This series presents an aerial journey of New Zealand, flying from the deep south of the South Island to the northern tip of the North Island. We discover the astonishing diversity of landscapes and meet New Zealander’s who talk about their life, work, interests and ...

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Shackleton’s Captain standard

Shackleton's Captain DocuDrama, 1×84 + 1×52 Director : Leanne Pooley Producers : James Heyward / Andy Salek / Christian Beetz Production Companies : Making Movies / gebrueder beetz filmproduktion Production Images Shackleton's Captain: A Biography of Frank Worsley Credits : IMDB Captain Frank Worsley signs on as Captain of the Endurance to navigate Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew to Antarctica. When the expedition ship is crushed; Worsley's seamanship and navigational skills saves them ...

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Dying for Everest standard

Dying for Everest Documentary, 1x52 Director : Richard Dennison Executive Producers : James Heyward / Steve Luczo / Shaun Murphy Producers : Andy Salek / Gus Roxburgh DP : Neil Cervin Production Companies : Making Movies / Balance Vector Partners : TV3 Credits : IMDB Double amputee Mark Inglis summited Mt Everest and plunged into a storm of controversy when it was learned he had passed an incapacitated British climber, David Sharp, leaving him to a lonely death in the Death ...

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